The Parts Compatibility search can assist you in finding parts that are compatible with your older Team Losi vehicle.

You can search by a part number or model.

When searching by Part Number the results will list all the models that part works with and a letter code.

S = Standard part for that model

U = Optional or upgrade part for that model

R = Requires other parts to work

If you search by Vehicle Model instead, it will list all parts compatible with that model.

There is no information on 7000 or 8000 part numbers.


This information was compiled using original Team Losi manuals and explode diagrams. 

There may be errors due to errors that exist in those documents. There ARE errors in many of the Team Losi original explodes.  Many have been caught before this list was created. Be aware there may be others that have not been found.

Your are encouraged to contact via email if you find errors or have questions.

Check the ManualManualsGuides.html

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